Monday, 10 June 2013

From Isis Unveiled. By Helena Petrova Blavatsky.

It is a truth perpetually, that accumulated facts, lying in disorder, begins to assume
some order if a hypothesis is thrown among them.      Herbert Spencer.

" All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is; and God the Soul.                 Philosophy of evolution.

" Worlds without number lie in this bosom like children "

: You never hear the really philosophical defenders of the doctrine of uniformity
speaking of impossibilities in Nature. They never say what they are constantly
charged with saying, that it is impossible for the Builder of the Universe
to alter his work. No theory upsets them,. Let the most destructive
hypothesis be stated only in the language current among gentlemen
and they look it in the face."                  Tyndall.  Lecture on the Scientific use of the imagination.

Alchemist: Thou always speak in riddles. Tell me if thou art that fountain
of which Bernard Lord Trevigen wrote?
Mercury: I am not that fountain, but I am the water.
The fountain compasseth me about.           Sandivogius.

" One kiss of Nara ( Father- Heaven ) upon the lips of Nari ( Mother- Earth )
and all Nature wakes."                       Vina Snati    A Hindu Poet.

" The curtains of Yesterday drop down, the curtains of To-morrow roll up;
but Yesterday and To-morrow both are,"        Natural Supernaturalism.

" Pythagoras correctly regarded the Ineffable Name of God,
as the key to the Mysteries of the Universe."        Pancoast: Blue and Red light.

" Most Wise, What hour is it?
" Respect. K. S Warden. It is the first hour of the day, the time when the veil
of the temple was rent asunder, when darkness and consternation were spread
over the earth. When the light was darkened. When implements of Masonry
were broken. When the flaming star disappeared. When the cubic stone
was broken. When the word was lost."              Magna est Veritas et Praevalebit.

" The Tetraktys was not only principally honoured because all symphonies are
found to exist within it, but also because it appears to contain the Nature of all things"
                                                                       Theos of Smyrna.

The philosophy teaches that Nature never leaves her work unfinished.
If baffled at the first attempt, she tries again. When she evolves a human
embryo, the intention is that a man shall be perfected, physically,
intellectually, and spiritually. His body is to grow, mature, wear out and die;
his mind unfold, ripen, and be harmoniously balanced; his divine spirit
illuminate and blend easily with the inner man.
No human being completes its grand cycle, or the " circle of necessity" until
all these are accomplished.

As the laggards in a race struggle and plod to their first quarter, while the victor
darts past the goal. So is the race of immortality, some souls out speed all the
rest and reach the end , while their competitors are toiling under the load of
matter, close to the starting point. Some unfortunates fall out entirely and
lose all chance of the prize; some retrace their steps and begin again.
(From Isis, Vol 1 P 345)

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