Like all great mystics, the Buddha teaches; Rise above the personality and discover your soul.
The Buddha made further discovery, known by only the greatest mystics, who have gone to the
depths of the Truth.
The higher self is like a flame burning away the candle of the personal self, and when the flame
completely consumes the candle, burning it into light, both flame and candle no longer exist.
There is neither personality, higher or lower. There is no self at all. The individual flame returns
as light to the oneness of God.
The final and complete realization of this mystic truth, is known as enlightenment.
The Buddha called this state Nirvana, which means to extinguish.
The mystics separate self is blown out like a candle and he knows what is called
the clear light of the Void. The emptiness that contains everything. He experiences his
true identity as pure impersonal consciousness.
A Zen Way: Sudden mystical insight is so extraordinary, that the seeker often feels,
he wants to rush out and tell the world. If he were to relate this to a Zen Master,
the master would smile, and tell him to ignore the state, as it will pass.
It is only a step on the way.
From such a height, the mystic will inevitably fall to earth. He has jumped into the air,
and glimpsed the view beyond the horizon, but he has not learned to fly.
Such freedom requires a final and complete relinquishing of the separate self
not just a burst of insight.
The final enlightenment is a much quieter affair. It is neither important,nor
insignificant. It is what it is. Things are simply seen as they are. How else could
it be? No answers have been found, yet no questions remain.
There is nothing to report, and nothing to eulogize,just a serene and unassuming knowing.
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