Carl Gustav Jung once said on Expanding the mind "When I open myself up to the outer world,
I feel myself as a drop in the sea, but when I close my eyes and look within,
I see the whole Universe, as a bubble, raised in the ocean of my heart"
My way of the mind was always helped by Carl Gustav Jung, and at times I owe
my sanity to him. His theory of Archetypes of the unconscious, explained the energy,
or force of Kundalini to me. It is an energy that moves from the base of the spine,
to the crown of the head.It can cause pain if her pathway is blocked.She can take
her time,or she can awake and rise in an instant.Then she goes back to the base of the spine.
She can leave a seeker in wonder and awe.
In Buddhism, she is the "Thousand Petaled Lotus."
Gopi Krishna, called Kundalini, the key. He said those who undergo the process,
are elevated to a new plane of consciousness.
Walt Witman wrote in "Song of Myself " his awakening to a higher consciousness.
If Kundalini works in you, let her open your mind, to a wealth of knowledge.
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