Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Enochian Physics by Gerald Schueler Alchemy

The art of alchemy,is said to have come from the land of Khem (from Egypt). The word Khemis Egyptian
for black. Alchemy and astrology, are the two oldest sciences. Known by the Chaldeans, Phooenicians,
and Babylonians in Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, and many other contries.
In the middle ages alchemy was not only a philosophy, and a science, but also a religion. Those who
wanted more than the Christian church had to offer, concealed their philosophic teachings under the
allegory of making gold.
Alchemy is not concerned with making something out of nothing, but rather the increasing and improving
that which already exists.Call it God or Spirit or pure gold, or some symbolic equivalent, the teaching
was clear; by hermetic art it is possible to grow and expand this latent substance, so that baser substances
became tinctured, and thus became like this pure substance, often called pure gold.
In man such a transformation is technically called regeneration. In the elements it is called transmutation.
The physical side of alchemy, was concerned with regenerating physical man, into spiritual man,
ignorance into Wisdom,sickness and disease into health, mortality, into extended life.
The central axiom of alchemy is directed to demonstrating the seven major attainments of the alchemist
as follows.
1) Preparation of a compound called an elixer or philosopher stone.
2)Creation of homunculi or living beings.
3) Preparation of the alcahest, or Universal solvent.
4) Palingenesis, the restoration of a plant from its ashes.
5) Preparation of spiritus mundi, a magical substance capable of dissolving gold.
6) Preparation of aurum potabile, also called liquid gold, which cures any illness and gives long life.
7) Extraction of the quintessence or active principle of all substances.
The twelve steps in alchemy to make the philosophers stone are.
1( Calcination) applying a moderate heat ( purging)
2( Solution) Mixing with water, ( deep self examination )
3 ( Separation ) Removal of impurities ( purification )
4 ( Conjuntion ) Applying steady moderate heat ( balancing the oppisites ,)
5 ( Putrefacation ) Kill the material and release the life spark ( ego death )
6 ( Coagulation ) Condensed vapor crystallizes material. which is white ( rebirth )
7 ( Cibation ) Nourishment.
8 ( Sublimation ) Rapid heating and cooling ( purifacation )
9 ( Fermentation ) Material becomes ferment or leven.material is yellow and can
   trasmute base metals to gold ( catalyst )
10 ( Exaltation ) Fusion of components into a unity material is red ( intagration )
11 ( Multiplication ) This allows it to mutiply itself ( fertility ) ( augmentation )
12 ( Projection ) Application of qualities.

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