Friday, 31 May 2013

Shaman or huna way. From Urban Shaman.

Shamanism,is the most ancient form of mysticism, and the root of all later spiritual
traditions. The word shaman is a name of Mongol origin, used by the Siberian tribes
to signify someone who has access to other spiritual dimensions. It has now come to
be used as a general name for all such mystics.
Shamans have power to heal, or harm. To make prophecies, to receive visions,
and to penetrate the mysteries of life and death. They can Astral travel,and communicate
with animals, nature spirits, and the power of life.Shamans induce ecstatic trances,
by sacred rituals, drumming, song or communing with Nature.
Most, but not all, consume hallucinogenic plants, and other magical techniques.
In these mystical states, the shaman transends his personal identity, and becomes
a representative of his tribal group, in the spiritual world.
Most shamanic cultures, see the journey as being made through many lives,
with the soul reincarnating over and over again. The belief in reincarnation
has been retained and developed by nearly all the later mystical traditions
of the world, including those of Hindus, Buddhists, ancient mystery school pagans,
early Christian Gnostics, and later Christian Cathers, Jewish Kabbalists and Islamic Sufis.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Archetypes In modern perspective by Carl Gustav Jung.

If we attribute meaning to an archetype, it is therefore something very indistinct,
Jung says," quite rightly, that factor which appears to us as meaning, maybe in itself
we have no possibility of knowing. The Chinese equivalent or cosmic meaning
is their concept of Tao.
Incommensurable, impalpable yet latent in it are forms.
Impalpable, incommensurable, yet whithin it are entities,
Shadowy it is and dim.            Tao Te Ching
Tao does not manifest in the world of the senses, but it is somehow its organizer.
Because the eye gazes but can catch no glimpse of it it is elusive.
Because the ear listens but cannot hear it,it is called rarefied.
Because the hand feels for it, but cannot find it, it is called the infinitesimal.
These are called the shapeless shapes.
Forms without forms. Vague semblances.        Tao Te Ching.
If archetype is number the 1 is the Creative. Earth the feminine the receptive is 2
Heaven encompassing the Earth ( 1 encompassing 2 ) is also 3
Heaven is not just Heaven, it is round, the prince, the father, jade, metal,cold
ice, deep, red, a good horse, an old horse, a lean horse, a wild horse, fruit.
The Receptive is earth, mother, cloth,a kettle,frugality, it is level, it is a cow
a calf, a large wagon, the multitude, a shaft, various kinds of soil. It is black.
The number, when it is conscious, seems especially to be " order "        The I Ching.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The cloud of unknowing From the British library.Catalogue record.

In the medieval West an anonymous author, who translated the works of Dionysus
into English for the first time, also wrote a beautiful manuscript, intriguingly titled,
" The cloud of unknowing " It teaches that God is known by stilling the mind,and
opening the heart. He cannot be defined with the intellect, but only embraced
with love.
The author wrote; God is always quite unable to be comprehended by the
intelligence, but he is totally and perfectly intelligible by the power of love.
Every single creature, moreover will know him differently. Dwell on this,
if you have the grace to do so, because to experience this for oneself is
everlasting joy.
To discover the all embracing oneness of God, the mystic must relinguish
his sense of self. The release from self is not within his power, but may
happen only by Gods grace.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

One Truth. From complete guide to mysticism.

We all have our own experience, according to each individual mind or psychology,
yet we all take part in the same mystery.
Above all we discover something simple. It is the all embracing love, an all consuming
Oneness. There is only one light,or source This maybe called God, Nature, Tao,
Brahman Buddha, Allah or any other name that is comfortable to each Nature.
Something has been understood, maybe not by the senses or the intellect.
This is why the Native American calls it " Great Mystery "
Although different paths are taken, the destination is all the same.
Rumi said, " The lamps are many, but the light is one."
Sai Baba said " All religions are facets of One Truth "

Monday, 27 May 2013

Quotes from Touching the power of life. Thom Hartman

Every second of existence is a new miracle. Consider the countless variations and possibilities,
that awaits us every second, avenues into the future, We take only one of these; the others,
where do they go? This is the eternal marvel, the magnificent uncertainty of the next second
to come, with the past, a steady unfolding carpet.         Jack Vance.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone person to person.            Mother Theresa.

Thou must be emptied of that wherewith thou art full, that thou may be filled with that
whereof thou art empty.       Meister Eckhart  ( 1260 - 1327)

: Standing on the bare ground, a mean egotism vanishes, I become a transparent
eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate
through me; I am part of particle of God "       Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The best way to know God, is to love many things.        Vincent Van Gogh.

" Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision, for the limits
of the world"          Further Psychological Observations. 1851.

The mystic words appear in a hundred different forms, but if God is one,
and the way is one, how can their words be other than one?
They do appear in different guises, but in substance they are one.
Variety occurs in form; in substance all is unified....Jalaluddin Rumi ( Islamic mystic ) ( 1207- 1273)

If you seek the kernal, you must break the shell likewise if you would know
the reality of Nature, you must destroy the appearance.
The further you go beyond the appearance, the nearer you will be
to the essence.              Meister Eckhart   ( 1260- 1327).

Friday, 24 May 2013

Mother Nature.

Nature provides in each life time, those who make it their life work, to plant her seeds.
Nature left to itself fails, if a natural life is left to itself, and isolated from the impact of higher
types of being,or can only produce things of the natural life.
When people talk about common things, the can only come up with common answers.
There must be always planters of seeds, as humanity goes through its natural life.
They may not understand the words they read, or listen to, but the mind has absorbed,
so when the time is right, the seeds will germinate.
Nature says," We move as one.Some move up a step and place others on the step
they were standing on. Others are carried, by those who have gone before them."
It is all done as one movement. Everyone is responsible for everyone else.
She says of death; "We should have no words of sorrow, we should have no words of joy.
                              When one goes back, and leaves a space,another one is born.
                              If everything is balanced, to make up all the whole,
                              We no longer need the answers, we already have been told".
Do not disturb my young minds, they will be ready, when the time comes to be enlightened.
Awakening begins when a man realizes he is going nowhere,and knows not where to go anyway.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Quotes from the souls code. by James Hillman

Coming into this particular body, and born to these particular parents, and in such a place
in general, what we call external circumstances, That all happenings form a unity, and are spun together
is signified by the Fates,      Plontinus.

Moira?  The finished shape of our fate, the line drawn round it, It is the task the Gods
allot to us, and the share of glory they allow; the limits we must not pass;
and our appointed end. Moira is all these.      Mary Renault.

In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential
we embody .and if we do not embody that, life is wasted.     Carl Gustav Jung.

I do not develop; I am.        Pablo Picasso.

You can argue with the proposition that all we are is genes and environment.
You can insist that there is something more. If you try to visualize the form
this something would take, or articulate it clearly, you will find the task impossible,
for any force that is not in the genes, or the environment is outside of physical
reality, as we perceive it, It is beyond scientific discourse. This does not mean it does not exist.
                           Robert Wright.

Scientists have been unable to discover many profound principles that relate the action
of mothers and fathers, or siblings to psychological characteristics in the child.
                           Jerome Kagan.

Because they have so little, children must rely on imagination rather than experience.
                          Eleanor Roosevelt.

Adolescents sense a secret unique greatness in themselves that seeks expression,
They gesture towards the heart when trying to express any of this,
a significant clue to the whole affair.             Joseph Chilton Pearce.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Love By Kahlil Gibran

When love beckons to you follow him, though his ways are hard and steep.
When his wings enfold you yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions
may wound you.When he speaks to you believe him,though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you, so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth, so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height, and caresses your tenderest branches, that quiver in the sun.
So shall he descend to your roots, and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn, he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked, he sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness, He kneads you till you are pliant;
Then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become bread for Gods sacred feast.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself,
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

A Pathway to Consciousness From the complete guide to mysticism.

Sufi Mystic Rumi ;said he knocked and the door opened, but he found he had been knocking from the inside. Everything is perfect, just as it is. There is nothing to change.God has always been with us all along.
We each play a game of looking for something, then realize it has always been waiting for us.
It is found in the life we have been living. It was designed like that, to lead us to our destination.
The mystic experience, takes us beyond fear,or worry, it shows the way to love life.Even the good
or bad is perfect, as it has a meaning. There is knowledge but no opinions.
Everything is flow or bend. All changes, but stays the same.
Try to live in the moment, with an open heart. A Zen Master:Zuigan would greet himself
each morning by requesting of himself " To-day please try and wake up "
To which he would also answer, " Yes indeed I will."

Monday, 20 May 2013

Quotes from The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

In the beginning, the world was nothing at all,
Heaven was not, nor earth nor space.
Because it was not, it bethought itself:
I will be. It emitted heat.    Creation by Anonymous  Ancient Egyptian Text.

For when I was a babe, and wept and slept,
Time crept.
When I was a boy and laughed and talked,
Time walked.
Then when the years saw me a man,
Time ran.
But as I grew , Time flew.    Henry Twells.

The individual is the true reality in life.
A cosmos in himself, he does not exist for
the state, nor for that distraction,called society;
Or for the nation, which is only a collection of individuals.
Man the individual, has always been and necessarily
Is the sole source and motive power
of evolution and progress.     Emma Goldman.

The black holes of Nature are the most perfect,
macroscopic objects there are in the Universe; The only element in
their construction are our concept of Space and Time.    S Chandrasephar.

Ocean;    A body of water occupying about two thirds
of a world, made for man, who has no gills    A Bierce.

Nuclear Force.   As we look out into the Universe and identify
By the  many accidents of physics, and astronomy,
that have worked together. It almost seems as if The Universe
must in some sense have known that we were coming,    F Dyson.

He thought he saw electrons swift,
Their charge and mass combine.
He looked again, and saw it was
The cosmic sounding line.    H Dingle.

And thus they spend,The little wick of lifes poor shallow lamp,
In playing tricks with Nature.
Giving laws to distant worlds
and trifling in their own.      W Couper.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Nag Hammade Scripture

The muliplicity of this Goddess, is expressed in the Nag Hammade scriptures, as a collections of
Gnostic texts, which were written in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A D and discovered in Egypt in
1945. One the scriptures is written throughout, in a female voice, which may be that of Isis,or the
Gnostic Sophia (or Wisdom  The voice refers to itself as "Thunder : Perfect Mind " It said.
" For I am the first, and the last.
I am the honoured one, and the scorned.
I am the whore, and the holy one.
 I am the wife ,and the virgin.
 I am the mother, and the daughter,
I am the members of my mother,
I am the barren one, and many are her sons.
I am she whose wedding is great,,
and I have not taken a husband,
I am the midwife, and she who does not bear.
I am the solace of my labour pains.
I am the bride, and the bride-groom.
and it is my husband who begot me.
I am the mother of my father,
And the sister of my husband,
And he is my offspring.
Give heed to me.
 I am the one who is disgraced, and the great one.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Kundalini The Spiritual Energy

Carl Gustav Jung once said on Expanding the mind "When I open myself up to the outer world,
I feel myself as a drop in the sea, but when I close my eyes and look within,
I see the whole Universe, as a bubble, raised in the ocean of my heart"
My way of the mind was always helped by Carl Gustav Jung, and at times I owe
my sanity to him. His theory of Archetypes of the unconscious, explained the energy,
or force of Kundalini to me. It is an energy that moves from the base of the spine,
to the crown of the head.It can cause pain if her pathway is blocked.She can take
her time,or she can awake and rise in an instant.Then she goes back to the base of the spine.
She can leave a seeker in wonder and awe.
In Buddhism, she is the "Thousand Petaled Lotus."
Gopi Krishna, called Kundalini, the key. He said those who undergo the process,
are elevated to a new plane of consciousness.
Walt Witman wrote in "Song of Myself " his awakening to a higher consciousness.
If Kundalini works in you, let her open your mind, to a wealth of knowledge.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


The Ariadne thread was to guide the Soul through the Labyrinth.
Look for and understand symbol or myth. As long as the understanding finds no trouble,
or difficulty, and is at ease,that is a sign that one has not gone far enough.
When you have understood the dissolution, of all the fabrication,
You shall understand that which is not fabricated.
True philosophers worthy of the name, " lovers of friends of Wisdom"
carefully separated the fine from the course, with caution, and foresight,
They rejected the meaning belonging to the dead letter,
and left for themselves only the inner spirit of the doctrine.
They accept only that which bears the official seal.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

A symbol of new consciousness.

Phallus:The emblem of the Sun or Fire, as the male generative power.
Egg : The passive nature, or feminine element of water.
Serpent : The destroyer, or reformer, or the renewer (the uniter of the two )
Thus it is the preserver or perpetuator eternally renewing itself.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Enochian Physics by Gerald Schueler Alchemy

The art of alchemy,is said to have come from the land of Khem (from Egypt). The word Khemis Egyptian
for black. Alchemy and astrology, are the two oldest sciences. Known by the Chaldeans, Phooenicians,
and Babylonians in Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, and many other contries.
In the middle ages alchemy was not only a philosophy, and a science, but also a religion. Those who
wanted more than the Christian church had to offer, concealed their philosophic teachings under the
allegory of making gold.
Alchemy is not concerned with making something out of nothing, but rather the increasing and improving
that which already exists.Call it God or Spirit or pure gold, or some symbolic equivalent, the teaching
was clear; by hermetic art it is possible to grow and expand this latent substance, so that baser substances
became tinctured, and thus became like this pure substance, often called pure gold.
In man such a transformation is technically called regeneration. In the elements it is called transmutation.
The physical side of alchemy, was concerned with regenerating physical man, into spiritual man,
ignorance into Wisdom,sickness and disease into health, mortality, into extended life.
The central axiom of alchemy is directed to demonstrating the seven major attainments of the alchemist
as follows.
1) Preparation of a compound called an elixer or philosopher stone.
2)Creation of homunculi or living beings.
3) Preparation of the alcahest, or Universal solvent.
4) Palingenesis, the restoration of a plant from its ashes.
5) Preparation of spiritus mundi, a magical substance capable of dissolving gold.
6) Preparation of aurum potabile, also called liquid gold, which cures any illness and gives long life.
7) Extraction of the quintessence or active principle of all substances.
The twelve steps in alchemy to make the philosophers stone are.
1( Calcination) applying a moderate heat ( purging)
2( Solution) Mixing with water, ( deep self examination )
3 ( Separation ) Removal of impurities ( purification )
4 ( Conjuntion ) Applying steady moderate heat ( balancing the oppisites ,)
5 ( Putrefacation ) Kill the material and release the life spark ( ego death )
6 ( Coagulation ) Condensed vapor crystallizes material. which is white ( rebirth )
7 ( Cibation ) Nourishment.
8 ( Sublimation ) Rapid heating and cooling ( purifacation )
9 ( Fermentation ) Material becomes ferment or leven.material is yellow and can
   trasmute base metals to gold ( catalyst )
10 ( Exaltation ) Fusion of components into a unity material is red ( intagration )
11 ( Multiplication ) This allows it to mutiply itself ( fertility ) ( augmentation )
12 ( Projection ) Application of qualities.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Esoteric Knowledge

A perfect man, has no self, a spirit endowed man, no achievments. The sage no reputation.
All those of the Ancient Wisdom, do wrap themselves in mystery. They retreat from the ordinary,
who think everything must be of ordinary worldly use, they seek out no-one to be friends.
Humanity can only hope to join the cosmic club, when they complete the basic condition.
They must get their own house in order.
A man may hope to approach esoterism if he has acquired a right understanding from ordinary
knowledge, that is if he can find his way, through the labyrinth of contradictory systems,
Theories, and hypotheses, and understand their general meaning and general significance.
The test is something like a competitive examination, open to the whole human race.
The idea of competitive examination alone, explains why the esoteric circle appears to be
reluctant to help humanity.
It is not reluctant, as they do all that is possible to help, but men will not or do not want to make
the necessary efforts themselves. They will not be helped by force.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mystical Philosophy

If you wish to quench your spiritual thirst,you must drink the waters of spiritual insight for yourself.
The mystical path, is reached in ways according to the mind of the individual.It could be by music or poetry,
that shows passion, or joy to express the idea of, eternity, unreality,and renunciation.
Read a large number of books on doctrine. Choose one you have studied,and feel comfortable with.
Remain in a humble condition, not seeking to be important in the eyes of the world,but let the mind soar high.
Be indifferent to all, make no choices. Look for nothing. Accept only that which comes to you. Have no opposites.
There will be conflicting opinions, as such is the nature of things. Remain calm at all times.
Be like a man at the top off a mountain, looking down into the valley below.Train the mind.
An advanced mystic, obtains emptiness. They see the void, the empty space, they go,
Into the dark night of the Soul. This could last for days, In time they reach the fruit,
of all their labour, and theirs then is the victory.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Philosophy or Quantum Physics.

The qualities that breed or disperse evil among people of this world are,
Predudice, intolerance, distrust, hatred, jealousy,vengeance, and greed.
Evil atoms act as an influence, attached to the instincts.
It depends a great deal on how the instincts are developed,
in a sociological setting,as to whether the good instincts, or highest
Soul qualities, can press out, or exclude the evil influence.
Evil atoms are a solid thing, consisting of lower degree atoms.
The Spiritual consciousness purifies the being and expels the evil atoms,
Just as one would ventilate a house, to expel the foul air.
We see then how intricately they are mixed, under the impulse
of the operation, of some Greater Law or Universal Law.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Nature being Mother.

Others may rule you string them along,they are the singer singing their song,
Let them be happy in all of their cares, let them know sorrow,in it!s fair share.
Don!t pamper their sorrow, don!t play to their whim,they know not the reason by sinning to win.
to win is to win,and to loose is to loose, the winning is all in the path that they choose.
They fight with their nature, until they divide,they know not the balance, brings them to my side,
In knowing divides the sorrow and pain, repairing the pain,that turns into joy
Puts back the parts, that once were destroyed.
Complex, oh complex,they make their life seem,they see not the Sun, they see not the beams.
They think they are knowing, they think they are shown.
But Nature is showing,what they want shown.
To work endlessly with the depths of the man.
To show him the reasons, so he knows I Am.

Past Lives.

Some find it hard to talk about Reincarnation yet the ones who do readings for past lives. look at the height, depth, length, and breadth, gather the kind of egos the person has made their own from life to life, balance, with the ego now then show the way forward to the kind of body the person may expect to be given, in the next life.
That is part of the work, to help Nature who gives each one a body according to the ingredients given to Her to bring to frutition. We should acknowledge that it is not us, but Nature from the moment of conception, till now who has been doing all the work.
She knows the end results, and the new beginning.Live well so you may be given a good body next time, and be born into a good family.It gives you the best start in life. Location is good for learning. The soul always wants to rise,the body holds it down. Balance the two Ying-Yang, In love, take the line of least resistance. Just be and just do. Live-die,part of the same reality. Get nearer  each time to God. Many lives,one Soul. Till in the end, we need not come back.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Occult Philosophy

How many men, patient and wise,
Found our white stone with exercise,
After that they were truly taught.
It is a stone, yet no stone,
In which the whole Art consists,
Nature has made it so,
But has not yet brought it to perfection,
Yet you will not find it on earth,
Since there , it has no growth,
It grows only in the caverns of the mountains
and the whole Art depends on it.
For he who has the vapour of this thing
has the gilded splendour of the Red Lyon.
The pure and clear Mercury.
he knows the Red Sulpher which it contains.
He has within his power the whole foundation.
And you may trust me it is no small thing,
To know all the secrets pertaining to this rhyme
For it is most profound philosophy,
This subtill science of Holy Alchemy.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Alchemy of the Soul

The Creator is one (Hun) He is two in one ( Lahun) The two engendered the Son of man ( Mehen).

The aim is to teach the art of the holy science.
to the lost, the lonely, and the dying.
 They know not the art, they know not the way.
So teach them the Truth, in all that they say.
Give them what they need, to acknowledge why,
They struggle with life, yet they are to die.
The enemy they know not,so they pent up a hate.
Teach them my children, before its too late.
Change not their habbits, change not their ways,
Teach them the chemical change knows the way.
The art was started many life-times ago,
The plans are all lost, they know not where
Show them where to go.
Set the record straight for them,
Working all together.
The plans that once were lost now found,
Can reach the stored up treasure.
Send them back to me in peace,
So the work, may still go on.
Give them the art, they have nothing to loose,
The battle will still be won.

Hermetic Art.

The occult becomes manifest, and the manifest
occult, in inverse order of conception.
From where all our Wisdom springs,
And which contains Perennial Natures fountain,cause and root.
It must be two, yet make it one and one,
And you do take the way to make it none.
So hear the primer secret of this Art
Condemn it not but understand it right.
Who fails to attain the foremost part,
Shall never know Arts force,or Natures might.
Nor yet have power of one and one so mixed,
To make by one fixed, one unfixed, fixed.
According to a philosophy report,
Who knows this Art, will be the percipient
of the most beautiful and universal
Mystery of Nature.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The pathway of the seeker.

The enneagram is a Universal symbol and philosophical language. It is in perpetual motion.It is also the philosophers stone: The Summum Bonum:True Wisdom of the alchemists,A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol. The living symbol is in motion.
The mind must be ready and in balance to receive the spiritual essence. as seeing the world as through a mirror. The work is done through the path of fire, that passes through the heart, and leads to the head. It is not on the path of pleasure, or on the path of pain. It is the transcending of the two that the goal is reached.
The goal is like a point of light that treads through the pair of opposites. the pin point flickers and grows steady till the warm light of a blazing lamp comes to the mind of the wanderer by this way.
Perseverance must be maintained. No candle light is there, nor earth lamp fed with oil, and the radience still grows till the path ends in a blaze of glory.and the wanderer through the night, becomes the child of the Sun, and enters within the portals of that radient light.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Alchemy of the Soul.

Paracelsus while in Constantinople was instructed in the mysteries of alchemy, and was given a wonderful stone, Azoth, which he carried in the hilt of his sword. One of the principle ends of alchemy was the compounding of the universal medicine. Paracelsus made use of alchemical terms quite frequently in his writings but not always in a conventional way. He seems to have had a special interpretation of Hermetic Art or chemistry, He did recognise the principle of transmutation. This means literally, the regeneration of chemicals, minerals, substances, and elements.In each process occurred by which the soul or inner life, was liberated from the gross parts, to become a pure essence ,in this way becoming compatable with all pure essences.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Consciousness the formation of the world.

It had no need of eyes, for there was nothing to be seen. No ears, for there was nothing outside to be heard. There was no surrounding air to be breathed, nor was it in need of any organ by which to supply it with food, or to get rid of it when digested. Nothing went out from, or came into it anywhere, for there was nothing. It was made like this, its own waste, providing its own food, acting and being acted upon entirely within, and by itself, because its designer considered that a being which was sufficient unto itself, would be far more excellent than one which depended upon anything.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Abraxes Stones.

Certain pre-Christian and early Christian cults believed i Gnosis "abraxes" to denote the hierarchy of spirits colletively that emanated from a supreme being. The letter of the word "abraxes" in greek add ou to the number 365 and thus it was believed that there were 365 orders of these spirits. "Abraxas" has frequently been found on ancient talismanic stone, which were thus called abraxes stones It is thought that the word "abraxes" may have been the origin of the talismanic formula "acracadabra", although some cabalists claim that it is made up of the Hebrew Ab(Father) Ben(Son) and Ruach Acadsch (Holy Spirit.

Friday, 3 May 2013


All existance is an outpouring or self manifestations of Spirit. Divinity expresses itself directly as Spirit. Spirit in turn expresses itself as mind. Monadic Spirit in the form of countless consciousness centres, enters into time, space and form to create the Universe. Our physical world of matter, is the lowest of these quantum like expressions. The inner essence of who we are is just a consciousness centre or monad. We are cosmic travelers. We travel a long evolutionary pathway in space, time, and form. A single lifetime on Earth is a brief visit, a short adventure, along an endless road that begins in Eternity, and ends in infinity. Someday we will regain our spiritual heritage, but until then, the Milky Way Galaxy is our temporary home in the fathomless universe.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Enochian Physics

We each have a spiritual counterpart, Every man and women has a divine spark at the core of his or her being, Confronting and conversing with this divine spark is the Great Work that lies before us all, and will be accomplished sooner or later, in this life, or the next, or the next. Physics is the transformation of the self to the Higher Self. Minds attuned to computers are finding a facination with the mechanics of High Magical conjurations ( this is especially true of the Enochian Magic).

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Anthroposophy Ancient Wisdom

There is nothing new under the Sun, All the ancient knowing comes from the Spark of the Devine in the mind. It ignites, and grows until it takes up abode, in the form, and opens up the Universal Mind so the one of ancient Wisdom can understand. The Soul responds in Love to Nature.The unborn is the mind. It is bright and illuminating, It belongs to the one who has it. It is neither communicable, nor transferable, nor subject to partition. It is itself, its own authority, its own witness and does not require anyones confirmation. It is sufficient unto itself.

The Quintessence made a nice carpet design

Nature has the power to free from acidity or saltness, all corrosives, and to overcome all impurites, from terrestrial corruption adhering to the bodies. Nature is as nature does. Nature will not be harnessed. Keynote of Nature ( fa) Sometimes an olive branch. She preserves harmony among natural things, with her regenerating power, Water, Earth, Air, Fire. Essence of the four elements: Life, Light, Heat, and Force which Quintessence generated all things.