Friday, 25 October 2013

Splash Rock at Port Edward

We look from the shore as the tide ebbs and flows
As it rushes to kiss the land,
The colours and shapes of the rocks as they take
Every pounding and soothing by hand.

The sea calls us back to a place in the heart
That longs for eternal scenes,
The waves rushing the shore, still opens the door
To the mind in our memory screen.

The harsh sun looks down on the sand 
as it churns by the waves taking shape endleslly
It's never the same every day thers's a change
By the same unseen hand tirelessly.

The power of the sun, and the moon with the stars
All taking part in this pleasure
They all intervene like a big movie screen
To show us the gift of God's treasurer.

The beautiful picture of God.s movie we see
As we sit and relax at the scene
The waves pound the rocks, and the sand 
Changes shape to what ever the mood takes each day.

We sit and we gaze at the wonder of all
As the waves rush over and soothes
And the stars take a hand, in the shape of the sand
As they work al together to prove
God,s hand is in there to soothe and to care
To all who take part in this view.

My Love for you is like the endless waves
That rush upon the shore
It goes on for eternity, beyond and ever more. 

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